När nyheten om att Havel avlidit så hittade jag detta och drar mig till minnes att teamet från Skp:s förlag Oktober även fick använda Havels bostad för inspelningar av förbjudna sånger. Då var Havel avskydd av de inhemska kommunisterna men det lilla SKP från Sverige kunde hjälpa till att sprida dessa frihetssånger. Havel var en ovanlig dissident som hamnade i fängelse där vpk:s broderparti i Tjeckoslovakien plågade honom. Havel blev det fria Tjeckiens första president.
Marta sings for a Swedish LP release
Marta sings for a Swedish LP release
In May 1978 a Swedish
team from a little record company in Stockholm "Oktoberförlaget" arrived in
Prague. The reason was the meeting with several forbidden by communists artists
in Czechoslovakia and recording a whole album with them. The recording session
was held in the kitchen in the flat belonging to one of the singers Jaroslav
Hutka in the Neklanova Street in the part of Prague called Vysehrad. The
compilation entitled in Swedish "Lämna vårt land i fred" (Leave our country
alone) had even a subtitle: "Forbidden singers of the second culture". Marta
Kubisova performed totally 6 songs on the album featuring "The Prayer for Marta"
in short version of 40 seconds.
The album was mixed in
the ABBA studio - Metronome - in Stockholm in the summer 1978. One more historical
event the same year was recording of a video with Marta in Prague.
The rights to the album
were bought later by the couple Pallas in Czechoslovakia who established record
company Safran'78.
The album is impossible
to find nowadays - probably the most unique release containing Marta's songs.
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