måndag, januari 16, 2012

Så här ser ett simpelt bluffbrev ut!

Det här är tredje försöket från några förslagna skojare men vem tror de går på sådant här?? Man läser då och då i tidningen om att människor lämnar ut  sina uppgifter till okända. Ingen bank eller seriös firma skriver till någon och ber om  att man ska skicka dem tex. lösenord eller koder! Aldrig!!

Google Incorporation,
Google UK Ltd,
Manchester, Peter House
Oxford Street, Manchester
M1 5AN
United Kingdom.

Dear Google User.

Google User Reward 2012 Promotion
Google Incorporation is one company that earns its profit mainly from advertising using their very own Google search engine, Gmail, Gala, Sify, e-mail service Google Maps, Google Apps, Orkut social networking and YouTube video sharing, which are offered to the public and was officially Incorporated on the 4th of September 1998, and our profit margin have been great.

In a bid to reward our numerous users/customers/clients who in one way or the other have contributed to our great success and achievement and had dealings with Google Services, Search Engine, Gmail, YouTube, Translator, Google Map, Google Earth e.tc,

The Board of Directors and Management have decided to come up with this Google Reward Program to show our appreciation and also pray your continual usage of our services. In view of this A 2012 REWARD PROMOTION was organized which is first of its kind to encourage our users that the interest of our users are dear to us as also to say thank you.

This promotion was set-up to encourage the active use of the Google search engine and the Google ancillary services.

We wish to congratulate, for being selected as one of our lucky winner in the ongoing Google User Reward 2012 Promotion. Hence we do believe with your prize, you will continue to be active in your patronage to Google as a total of 6 Winners emerged worldwide, Draw from different continents of the world.

A Bank Draft have been issued in your name by the Google Promotion Board, you have therefore won the entire sum of £550,000.00 GBP {Five Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds} and also a certificate of claim price will be sent alongside your Bank Draft.

We are aware of the rampant abuse of Google as a company and we are assuring all our users that we are working on this, as Google does not run a lottery and we will bring all those involved to book.

As part our precautionary measure to avoid double claim of winning prize and unwarranted abuse of this program. To claim your won reward, please contact our Reward Co-Ordinatoor Dr Philip Schultz by neatly filling the verification and funds release form below.

*First Name

*Last Name

*Residential Address

*Telephone/ Mobile





*Amount Won

*Alternate Email

*Have you ever been an Online Winner?


This promotion is first of its kind, so you are advised to keep your winning details confidential till your claims is processed and your winning funds remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to Claim your Reward. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program.

To file for your claim, please contact our Foreign Transfer Manager:
Reward Co-Ordinatoor
Dr Philip Schultz
E-mail: 2012claims@googlemail.com
Phone: +44 703-592-8181, /Fax+44 7042-934-953
For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information’s confidential till your claims have been processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. Please be warned.
Note: You can fill your verification and funds release form by printing and manually filling or you can fill directly on mail, or provide the details on Microsoft Word.

Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of Google Board Commission.

Dr. Eric Schmidt.
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer                                                  

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