måndag, juli 04, 2011

Nej till dödstraff!


Gov. Rick Scott has signed a Death Warrant for Manuel Valle to be executed on Tuesday, August 2, 2011.  Manuel Valle has been on Florida’s Death Row for 33 years.  He was convicted for the 1978 killing of Coral Gables police officer Luis Pena. 

The August 2nd date should be considered very serious. Although there are questions about Florida’s lethal injection drugs and the impact of a recent U.S. District Court decision that found Florida’s Death Penalty unconstitutional, the state has now set the wheels of execution in motion and will expend enormous resources to kill Valle on this date.

Florida spends an estimated $50 million a year (a million dollars a week) on a Death Penalty program while cutting and disbanding many well-proven, worthwhile, and life-preserving programs.  Why is the Death Penalty exempt from scrutiny?  All other state programs must justify their worth and be analyzed for cost vs. benefit.  Florida’s Death Penalty program continues to siphon scarce resources and millions of dollars away from much-needed programs that truly benefit many, many Floridians in a very REAL way.  Whether or not one supports the Death Penalty… there is no other state program that costs so much yet fails so miserably.  It is time to end this enormously costly and cruel relic of a barbaric past.

Vigils and protests at the time of execution are being planned around our state.  The FADP Vigil/Protest page will be updated as details come in. The previous vigil/protests are currently displayed.

Please TAKE ACTION and write, call and email Gov. Rick Scott to let him know your thoughts.

Gov. Rick Scott
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399

PHONE: 850-488-7146
FAX: 850-487-0801

EMAIL:  http://www.flgov.com/contact-gov-scott/email-the-governor/

Shine the light,

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